About Us

I have been showing horses for 48 years and training for the public for the last 20 years. I was also an APHA judge for 24 years. Though I have shown horses in almost all disciplines, I specialize in training cutting horses. I believe in training horses that are happy to do their jobs, and I do not believe in making a horse perform through fear or the use of severe training equipment. Young horses are started quietly, in the round pen and worked on the flag and cattle as soon as they are ready. I believe that working the flag and cattle are good training exercises for many kinds of horses from colts to cutters to barrel horses. Besides colt starting and cutting horse training, I also give lessons to non-pro riders. Even if their horse is in training with me, I believe that the non-pros need the opportunity to ride and practice on their own horse. I like to focus on basic horsemanship along with cutting for lessons, as my goal is to improve the rider’s all around horsemanship abilities. My riding areas are watered daily. I have inside stalls as well as outside covered runs available. Our pens are cleaned daily and horses are washed often.